Welcome to the Xbox HD guide!

What you will need

First of all thank you for purchasing!

I am going to be explaining the xbox guide, pc is very similar

 Now, as mentioned on the auction you will need the following:

  • Softmodded Xbox Console
  • HD component cables
  • A network or a large xbox hard drive
  • 1080 TV 
Once you have all this we can begin!

Applications required


Thats all you need!

If you get stuck!

Just a few things before you start. If you dont know how to softmod your xbox visit this link. If thats too complicated, ask google.

If you need any support whatsoever contact me at trendy.boy@live.co.uk and il try respond as soon as possible. Good luck!


Ok lets get started.

Once you have your blu-ray or HD-DVD rip (MKV file) we can begin the conversion process.

  1.  Open up Gotsent and load your MKV file
  2. Choose your destination for final file
  3. Choose MPEG2 and tick the box
  4. Click convert

untitled.jpg picture by Mar00n22

Depending on your computers speed this process could take several hours. On my core2duo it takes around 1 hour.

The end result is an MPEG2 file weighing around 5GB depending on the length of the film.


Now, we need to prepare your xbox so it can handle the videos. Dont worry, no extra ram or cpu needed!

On XBMC simly go to settings, system and cache. Change the settings so they match mine below

  screenshot000-1.jpg picture by Mar00n22

When you complete that load the video on your xbox and your watching Blu-ray films on your xbox!

  screenshot003-1.jpg picture by Mar00n22

None of this stuff is copywrited so feel free to spread the love! just dont sell it!